What is life on the edge of two worlds all about?
Discover Southern Estonia through yellow windows!
Southern Estonia presents itself through 30 yellow windows that focus on local values and tell our story. The story is about a special region on the periphery of the European Union, on the border of different cultures where contrasting worlds meet. It's a story about our lives and traditions, the beauty of nature, local initiatives, and new approaches. Have fun discovering and see you soon!
The beauty of nature
The indescribable wealth that embraces us amidst our familiar and pure nature in Southern Estonia is difficult to express in words or numbers. This wealth can only be experienced with your own senses.
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Local initiatives
In troubling times, we suddenly realise that we desperately need the simple skills and knowhow that South Estonian smoke sauna rituals are brimming with – even in the modern globalising world. In a new way.
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The diverse cultural heritage of South Estonian people continues to enrich the local culture to this day: it creates a specific background against which our modern life unravels in its globalising tendencies.
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New approaches
The innovation of South Estonia is to make things properly and not in large quantities – instead, we focus on exciting niches. These are the things that inspire the creator as well as the larger audience.
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South Estonia is exciting!

Erkki Peetsalu, Head Editor of National Geographic Estonia
Come and discover life on the border of different worlds. Come alone or with few companions rather than in crowds. Come with good intentions, with a smile on your face. And come in silence, bring less noise and more mindfulness as a gift – then you will be able hear and see. But come you must, if you feel the call of South Estonia.