Story of Cooperation
The Yellow Windows project is the fruit of a long-term regional and international cooperation project that was initiated in 2012 by the South Estonian LEADER Local Action Groups and National Geographic Estonia. The idea was developed in the Netherlands where the aim of windows placed in nature was to attract the attention of visitors and introduce them to places that best tell the story of a certain area. When you visit the Netherlands today and look through the yellow windows, you can see places that belong on the list of UNESCO world heritage.
The South Estonian Yellow Windows Route called “Living on the Edge” was born as a result of the initiative of communities. In the course of an open competition for ideas, it was determined which places characterise the values of South Estonia the best – pure nature, versatile cultural heritage, local food and handicraft, healthy lifestyle, sustainable and innovative solutions, social coherence and communities.
Today there are 30 yellow windows in South Estonia that invite visitors to explore life on the border of different cultures, languages, ways of thinking and worldviews.
The cooperation project’s international partners are the Kotka region and South Karelia region in Imatra in Finland and the Causeway coastal area in Northern Ireland.