Kad´ah kavvõkõsõ Seto dance festival


Seto Dance Festival showcases the richness of traditional culture

Stunning national costumes and the joy of creating together – in the summer of 2024, people from Setomaa, Võromaa, Mulgimaa and Kihnu island as well as the Suiti people from Latvia will gather in Setomaa to present the treasures of their cultural space through the language of dance.

The Kad´ah kavvõkõsõ Seto dance festival is the third in a series of traditional Seto dance festivals, involving dance enthusiasts from other regions of living traditional culture. See you on 29 June 2024 in the paddock of the Värska Farm Museum in Setomaa! The traditional dance festival of the Seto people is organised by the Setomaa Cultural Centre.

Date: 29 June 2024

Location: Värska, Võru county

More information: tandsopido.seto.ee

Contact: Maarja Saarine, kultuurikeskus@setomaa.ee,
+372 529 1619

Evelin Leima and Maarja Saarine. Photo: Terje Atonen

More information about the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 South Estonia Community Programme