Estonian-Latvian cooperation project “Development of accessible tourism routes” launched

The South-Estonian Tourist Board is a partner in the Estonian-Latvian cooperation project “Development of accessible tourism routes”.
Launched last year, the first fruits of the cooperation project will be seen already this year, when the first upgraded accessibility facilities will be completed.
The project develops and enhances cultural sites and natural beauty spots in Estonia and Latvia with various creative and tactile solutions. The Interreg CBC Development Programme will establish a base of sites for the evaluation of both new upgraded sites and existing accessible and partially accessible sites. These will be uploaded on the website, where by the end of the project you will find 30 different 1-3 day tourist itineraries in Estonia and Latvia, suitable for disabled people, elderly people and families with young children.
During the project period, the South-Estonian Tourism Cluster will focus on the marketing of the project, and the project will be led by Janelle Uibokand from the cluster side.

Janelle Uibokand
+372 553 4445