The second Äksi [eel]opinion festival will take place in a month’s time

The talks at the [eel]festival of opinion in Äksi will address issues ranging from recycling in the tourism sector, to environmentally sustainable event management, to how nature has inspired man to create.
Äksi [eel]opinionfestival will take place on 20. For the second time on July, both in front of and inside the Ice Age Centre.
This time, the festival’s themes of discussion will be centred around nature and art, environment and culture.
“I’m glad that we got some pretty dark ideas for counter-arguments from the thematic corpus,” said Kadri Valner, head of [eel]. “Our idea of discussing the coexistence and confrontations between man and the environment appealed to tourism promoters, libraries and nature walkers alike”.
[Eel]The discussions offered by the Tartu City Library, Tartu 2024, Bioneer, Tartu tourism organisers, young biology students, etc., have been selected for the opinion forum.
Discussions will be held on two stages, and there will also be a community area in Äksi, with environmental art workshops and excursions to the surrounding area. They are led by artists and educators Kadri Kosk and Hando Tamm.
The day will be rounded off with a film night “Wild South” and a concert by the band Lonitseera.
The debate will be conducted in line with the good debate practice of the Paide Festival of Opinions, thus promoting a culture of debate in general.
The festival is open to everyone who cares about a cleaner and more sustainable Estonia and is environmentally aware.
Last year, the Äksi [eel]opinion festival was chosen as the Cultural Event of the Year in Tartu municipality. As last year, volunteers from the Ice Age Centre, the Äksi community and Tartu municipality are joining forces to organise the [eel]festival of opinion.
See the programme on the Ice Age Centre website.
Äksi [eel]is part of the Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture programme.