Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

We process personal data in accordance with the law and the legislation issued on the basis thereof for the performance and execution of the functions assigned to local authorities and their agencies. We process personal data in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Personal Data Protection Act, other legislation that regulates data protection and the Guidelines of the Data Protection Inspectorate.We have implemented data protection policies to minimize the impact on the privacy of individuals and to ensure the security of your personal data. This privacy policy gives an overview of how personal data is processed.

In which cases do we process your personal data?

You visit our websites, participate in surveys, register for events, order notifications or call the helpline

  • We use cookies to identify your session when you visit our websites. We retain your IP address, browser indicator, authentication method, location to the accuracy of the administrative unit and the URL of the website you visited before contacting the portal as technical data.
  • We process the data of visits to our websites only in a non-personalised format for statistical purposes that help us develop the websites and make them more convenient for visitors.
  • When you request personal notifications, we only process your personal data for sending the requested notifications.
  • If you participate in a survey, the data will be disclosed for statistical purposes only in a non-personalised format. In the case of surveys where respondents can win prizes, we process your data in order to contact you.
  • Upon registration for an event, we process your personal data to prepare the list of participants in the event and to contact you if necessary.
  • If you call our helpline, we only process your personal data to the extent disclosed by you in order to give you information.

When you visit Tartu Information Centre

  • We have installed CCTV at Tartu Information Centre. The purpose of this is to ensure public order at Tartu Information Centre, especially the security of people and the preservation of the city’s property.
  • The CCTV camera transmits the image in real time to the company providing security services and to the persons ensuring the security of Tartu Information Centre.
    The image transmitted by the CCTV camera is also recorded. The company providing security services has access to the recordings.
  • CCTV may be installed for the same purposes in the surroundings of the administrative buildings of the city government and in public premises. In this case, we will place an information sign in a prominent place in the area covered by CCTV.
  • We only use the recordings to identify offenders and analyse situations in the event of disorderly conduct or security incidents.
  • We retain the recordings for at least one month after the date of recording, but for no longer than one year, unless otherwise provided by law. If a recording needs to be used in misdemeanour or criminal proceedings, we will retain the recording until the end of the proceedings.

When you apply for a job with us

  • If you apply for a job with us, we will process the personal data disclosed by you in order to assess your suitability for the relevant position.
  • We will collect additional data about you from public sources in order to assess your suitability. You have the right to view the received information and submit your explanations and objections.
  • We presume that the applicant has given their consent to the persons listed under references in the application documents to answer questions about the applicant and the persons listed under references have agreed to be contacted by us for information.
  • We retain the documents received in the course of recruitment for the following purposes:
    – for the resolution of legal disputes that may arise in the recruitment process – until the expiry of the claim;
    – in order to make a job offer to the applicant next in the rankings;
    – for making proposals for participation in future competitions with the consent of the applicant.

In all the above cases, a applicanter’s application file will be kept for one year. The data of applicants are restricted information, which third parties may access only in the cases stipulated by law.