Seto Kostipäiv delights visitors with its hospitality
Sõir (fresh pressed curd cheese), suulliim (a cold soup served in summertime), kikkaseenepiirak (pastry made from chanterelle mushrooms) – these and many other delicacies typical of traditional Seto cuisine make you glance at the calendar – when will the Seto Kostipäiv (pop-up café day) finally begin? In 12-13 August 2023 and in summer 2024, if you happen to hear the compelling sound of the garmon or the exotic Seto leelo singing, come and step into one of the local farmyards where a cosy pop-up café awaits. Stay for a while and savour dishes made using grandmothers’ recipes.
Take time to experience authentic Seto cuisine and relax your body and soul. As you can only eat so much, bring a lunchbox with you, and you’ll be ready for an evening concert. We actually recommend staying for a night since next morning some cafés will host a so-called peräpütüpäiv, i.e., the serving of leftovers, which also may surprise you. Seto Kostipäiv is organised by NGO Seto Küük.
Date: 12 – 13 August 2023 and 10 – 11 August 2024
Location: Setomaa, Southeast Estonia
More information: setokyyk.ee/en/pop-up-cafe-days
Contact: Ülle Pärnoja, ylle@setomaa.ee, +372 513 1366

More information about the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 South Estonia Community Programme