A documentary performance on the art of survival awakens and challenges
Let’s meet our guests from the future – people significantly affected by climate change. The documentary performance entitled Air Between Us brings the experiences and skills of those directly affected by the impacts of the climate crisis to the wider public.
So, what are the five tips that help us survive floods and much more? Welcome to the arts of survival school! People who have been affected by climate change from Greece, Sicily, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone and Nigeria share their stories of surviving extreme weather conditions.
We will meet in summer 2024 in Kambja at Kesk tee to try to establish the middle ground together. The performance is organised by Emajõe Suveteater and NGO Loodusvõlu.
Time schedule of performances:
Date: 21 June – 21 July
Location: Kambja, Tartu county
More information: suveteater.ee…
Contact: Ruta Rannu, ruta@suveteater.ee, +372 539 86153

More information about the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 South Estonia Community Programme