Artisans from Tartu County teach ancestral arts of survival
Inherited Arts of Survival thematic days, which areorganised by NGO Loomemõis, focus on the local knowledge, skills and traditions that have been passed down for generations. From September to May, the series of events invites you to four different places in Vooremaa, where local artisans teach you ancient life skills.
How to cook traditional dishes, craft musical instruments out of natural materials, make scented and stress relief balls, prepare healing ointments and create prehistoric looking ceramics – you will learn all this and more from your hosts through local family traditions in each location.

Date: 16 September and 11 November 2023,
2 March and 18 May 2024
Location: Vooremaa, Tartu county
More information: loomemois.ee
Social media: facebook.com/Juulavalja
Contact: Eneli Kaasik, eneli.kaasik@gmail.com, +372 525 7497

More information about the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 South Estonia Community Programme